Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project 7: The Bard

For Project 7 my pseudonym Eliza was hired by the
Royal Shakespeare Company to illustrate the program
cover for a production. From the list of plays I could
choose from I selected The Winter's Tale.

The play was written toward the end of Shakespeare's
career. It seems to be kind of a redo of Othello.
It's a study of jealously and its destructive effects.

I chose to illustrate a location that is present in
the play, which is The Oracle in Delphi. I chose
this imagery for a few reasons.

Firstly, because key events took place here in the play.
Secondly, because the temple today has only three columns
remaining. Symbolically, these three columns represent
the three characters that are amidst all of the tyranny.
Thirdly, because they are ancient ruins (today). Therefore,
they are deteriorating and crumbling, much like the
relationships present in The Winter's Tale. And fourthly,
because I have actually been to The Oracle in Delphi
and experienced the location for myself. There was a
spooky atmosphere to that place... But that's another story.

A photo I captured of the Oracle in Delphi
This was once the Temple of Athena - Delphi, Greece

This is a sad tale about the destructiveness of jealously
and tyranny. It's grows very dark and even involves murder.
A quote that I liked from the play was, "A sad tale's best for winter."
So, the frigid season (and bleak illustration) seems appropriate.

I found some good imagery for inspiration.

Florizel and Perdita - Charles Robert Leslie, 1837
An illustration of characters in The Winter's Tale.

Hermione - Henry Van der Weyde, 1887
This is a photograph taken of Mary Anderson
who played Hermione in a performance of The Winter's Tale.

I feel like this fit my pseudonym so perfectly. The play is bleak
and gloomy, just like her. The program cover reflects the same feel.

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